

  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 北京市 海淀区 海淀街道 海淀区永丰信息产业基地新材料创业大厦
  • 姓名: 王红
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 试验设备 材料试验机
  • 发布日期:2015-05-08
  • 阅读量:274
  • 价格:1000.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:CBM-3C
  • 产品数量:100.00 台
  • 包装说明:纸箱包装
  • 发货地址:北京海淀海淀  
  • 关键词:薄膜抗冲击试验机


       1、较大冲击能量: 3J 
       2、较小分度值:   0.025J
       3、摆锤扬角:     90°
       4、摆锤摆动半径: R300 mm
       5、冲击速度:     2.5m/S
       6、冲击头尺寸:   φ25.4 mm φ12.7 mm 
       7、试样夹持器直径:φ50 mm φ60 mm φ89mm
       8、要求试样尺寸: 100 mm X 100mm
      主  机:一套
      冲击头:       φ25.4mm 一个
                      φ12.7 mm一个
      试样夹持器:   φ50mm一套
    CBM-3A型 薄膜冲击试验机-微机控制
    CBM-3B型 薄膜冲击试验机-液晶显示
    CBM-3C型 薄膜冲击试验机-机械表盘
    Impact testing machine of CBM-3C- thin films
    A, product name: film impact tester - Mechanical
    Two, model: CBM-3C
    Three, film impact testing machine equipment use
    The machine is in accordance with the GB/T8809-1988 (plastic film anti pendulum impact test method) design and manufacture. Punch the instrument through the semicircle ball type at a certain impact speed impact and break through the sample, to measure the energy consumption of the punch, antipendulum impactenergy values in the energy to the evaluation of thin film samples
    The film impact testmachine is suitable for the determination of impact toughness of plastic, rubber and other non metal thin film material and metal foil. Can be widely used in industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research units, quality inspection departments of plastic, rubber, metal foil and other materials of the pendulum impact test field.
    The basic principle of impact testing machine four, thin film:
    Film impact tester by hemispherical punch in a certain speed, impact and through the thin film samples, measuring punch energy consumption, the energy evaluation of thin film samples anti pendulum impact energy.
    The main technical indicators impact testing machine five, thin film:
    1, the maximum impact energy: 3J
    2, the minimum graduation value: 0.025J
    3, the pendulum tilt angle: 90 °
    4, the pendulumswing radius: R300 mm
    5, the impact speed: 2.5m/S
    6, the impact head size: 25.4 mm 12.7 mm
    7, the sample holder diameter: diameter of 50 mm φ mm φ 89mm 
    8, the sample size requirement: 100 mm X 100mm
    The main configuration impact testing machine six, thin film:
    The main machine: a
    The impact head: φ 25.4mm 
    12.7 mm a
    The sample holder: φ 50mm se
    φ 60mm se
    φ 89mm se
    Seven, product classification:
    Control of microcomputer testing machine, impact type CBM-3A thin film
    Liquid crystal display tester - impact of CBM-3B film
    Testing machine - the impact of CBM-3C type thin film mechanical dial
    欢迎来到北京冠测试验仪器有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市海淀区海淀街道海淀区永丰信息产业基地新材料创业大厦,联系人是王红。 主要经营主营:专注于电压击穿、海绵泡沫检测、力学冲击、材料试验机、橡胶塑料等检测仪器的生产及销售 备注:可根据客户需求订制标准非标准试验仪器 北京冠测试验仪器有限公司 –专业试验仪器制造商,技术精湛,性能**,欢迎来电咨询!!。 单位注册资金未知。 我们公司主要供应拉力试验机,介电击穿强度测定仪,滑动摩擦磨损试验机,落球回弹试验仪,机械冲击试验机,阻燃性试验机等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!